Since January 2020 we have been working on the project “Andreia”, which is financed by the European Union’s AMIF framework, together with five other entities: Agorà Coop (Italian project leader), Centro Studi medi (Italy), Eluliin Mittetulundusühing (Estonia), Exilio (Germany) and Scientific Socitey for Social Cohesion and Development (Greece)
The European project “Andreia” aims to develop tools to help integrate third-country nationals, who are victims of human trafficking (THB), into their host societies, in order to find durable solutions and prevent re-trafficking.
Together with these organisations we will carry out educational programmes to improve the skills of professionals, who are involved in the identification and support of THB victims, by providing them a multidisciplinary training. We will carry out awareness-raising actions to raise awareness of this reality and improve the social and professional integration of female THB victims.
Visit Andreia Web Site: