Toolbox “Being your Host”: Non-formal education and learning tools in the field of community work with and for young refugees

The toolbox “Being your Host” is intended as an open learning resource for youth workers that are engaged in community work with young refugees, asylum seekers and young people with migration background. Specifically: project managers, community leaders, educators, facilitators, social workers, intercultural mediators that are interested to improve their ability in the social inclusion of […]

Ta-Boom: Cultural identity in multiethnic communities.

TA-BOOM, un proyecto europeo dentro del programa Erasmus + en el que Fundación Red Íncola participa como socio junto las entidades FORME de Italia y PRISM de Malta. Tema: Identidad cultural en comunidades multiétnicas. Jóvenes migrantes.Código del proyecto: 2018-1-IT03-KA205-013103 Objetivo general: Empoderamiento de los jóvenes con experiencia migratoria mediante la creación de oportunidades para la […]